Why Us
AVIAGE SYSTEMS is a JV of GE & AVIC, two world leading companies in aviation, and talent development is always our top priority. If you also have a dream to elevate the future of flight,  welcome to join us!
Job Opportunities
[ IRC5087 ]
Shanghai, China 1 week ago
[ IRC5074 ]
Phoenix, US 1 month ago
[ IRC5067 ]
Shanghai, China 1 month ago
[ IRC4949 ]
Shanghai, China 1 month ago
About Us

AVIAGE SYSTEMS is a 50/50 joint venture between General Electric Company (GE) and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) .

Building on a historic partnership between two world-leading aerospace companies, AVIAGE SYSTEMS aims to elevate the future of flight by unleashing our world-class talent, cutting-edge innovation and powerful partnerships.